Benjamin Redelings


BAli-Phy (Ben Redelings, Marc Suchard) [WWW] [git]

BAli-Phy is a C++ program that co-estimates phylogenies and alignments from unaligned sequence data. BAli-Phy takes a Bayesian approach, and uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to sample from the posterior distribution of phylogenies, alignments, and other parameters.

(Redelings, 2021), (Redelings, 2014), (Gaya et al, 2011), (Redelings and Suchard, 2007), (Redelings and Suchard, 2005).

RevBayes (RevBayes development team) [WWW] [git]

RevBayes is a general phylogenetic inference program with modular models.

Propinquity (Mark Holder, Ben Redelings) [git]

Propinquity is a supertree pipeline for summarizing phylogenetic and taxonomic information for millions of species. It is used to construct the synthetic tree for the Open Tree of Life project.

(Redelings et al, 2017)

BES (Marcy Uyenoyama, Ben Redelings) [git]

BES is a Bayesian method for estimating self-fertilization rates and other mating system parameters.

(Redelings et al, 2015)